For this blog post I wanted to chose an article that would capture people’s attention, I also wanted it to be about a topic that we could all relate to. The article I decided to write about is called “The Most Toxic Thing in Your House?” by Emily Main. I found this article through a link on . Emily published this article on November 15th 2012 with the intention of capturing readers’ attention, bringing awareness to what dangerous chemicals and bacteria may be inside their couches. We have focused a lot in class about different forms of bacteria. We even conducted an experiment throughout the high school to figure out which location in RMHS had the greatest amount of bacteria. Since we already did a lab and found out that bacterium and harmful chemicals can be found all around us I thought many people would find this article particularly interesting.

This article discussed the many dangers hidden deep beneath
your couch.“There’s nothing more relaxing than coming home after a long day
and flopping on the couch to unwind. That is, until you realize that your couch
and chemicals inside it are doing anything but help you de-stress-like even
causing cancer or reproductive problems.” Says author Emily Main.
Researchers from Duke University asked people all over the
United States to send them small samples of foam from their couches, along with
detailed information about where and when they purchased their couch.
After some research it is believed that 50 percent of
couches in America are likely to contain a chemical know to cause cancer. To
think that something we come in contact with on a daily basis can cause cancer
is simply freighting. Researchers from Duke University also concluded that
flame retardant furniture is both unhealthy and actually does not stop fires.
Nearly 97 percent of the newer couches analyzed contained flame retardants.
“There are pounds of these flame retardants in a typical
couch,” says researcher Dodson of Duke University. Couches gradually release
them in small amounts over time. As the foam breaks down, the chemicals puff
out, bind to dust, and settle on your floor or in your lungs.”
The author of this article later goes on to say that if you
bought your couch after 2005 there is a really good chance that it contains a
significant amount of chemicals in it. The most common chemical the researchers
came in contact with was called “Tris” or TDCPP. This chemical is known for causing cancer,
and it was found in a shocking 50 percent of the couches sampled.
You may be asking yourself, well if these chemicals are
supposedly so harmful why they in are coaches to begin with? The answer comes
down to a California state law, known as Technical Bulletin (TB) 117. This law
requires that polyurethane foam must be used in couches to resist and open
flame. But as the studies mentioned earlier show- by using this foam you are
doing much more harm than good. This
California state law actually tuned into a national law solely do to the fact
that manufactures didn’t want to make different pieces of furniture for different
The good news however is that the law is getting a
long-overdue revamp. “ The California government is redrafting the TB 117 that
will require the upholstery fabric , not the foam, to be smolder resistant”
says the author Emily Main. The government
believes this fabric will be less harmful because an estimated 85 percent of
upholstery fabrics on the market already provide protection against flames
without the addition of chemicals.
It is never going to be possible to completely eliminate
these chemicals from you house but there are some things you can do to cut down
your expose. For example dusting and vacuuming, washing your hands, and
repairing rips in torn upholstery.
I found this article to be extremely interesting. I never
would have thought there could be so many hidden dangers within a couch. I think
it’s scary that these harmful toxins are found in such a commonly used item but
on the other hand I do think we need to take this information with a grain of
salt and not be too caught up about the what ifs. It’s important to be educated about these
issues, but when you’re lying on your
couch you should enjoy it. If you get too caught up thinking about what's hidden
beneath your couch you’ll never be able to relax! For more on this article check out this link.