Even though the Dominican Republic is thousands of miles away from Boston, the disease has found its way into Massachusetts because of International travel. Cholera is often associated with developing countries because of the lack of sanitation that can spread Cholera. Cholera is spread through contaminated water, which is often found in developing countries like the Dominican Republic. Somehow contaminated water was used to prepare food for the guests at the wedding, and therefore Cholera was unknowingly spread. The exact source of the contamination is unknown but it is suspected that it was brought in from the outside catering company hired by the couple. Guest traveled from all over the world to attend this wedding and possibly all took home with them Cholera and are possibly spreading it to others. But the article states from Dr. Larry Madoff that “all are recovering, and there is no evidence the disease is spreading in Massachusetts”.
It seems unlikely that a disease such as Cholera could be found in such a developed country such as the United States. But International travel has put those who enjoy traveling to other countries at risk for diseases they most likely would never contract back in the United States. The author, Stephen Smith said “the emergence of cholera in Boston, 1,700 miles from the origin of an outbreak moving across the island of Hispaniola, illustrates the swift, relentless migration of infectious diseases in an era of widespread jet traffic”. These tourists in Dominican Republic were staying at a five star hotel and attending a lavish wedding were the thought of diseases like Cholera, never crossed their minds. But as seen here by these cases of Cholera, diseases can be found in fancy hotels. Another source, Dr. Jordan Tappero states “we’re not at all surprised that this would happen, given all the travel.’’.

It doesn’t really surprise me that these wedding guests contracted Cholera because they probably were not paying much attention to where their food and drink were coming from at such a fancy wedding. I think that this shows how International travelers who are in developing nations need to be more self-reliant and really be aware of everything they eat and drink. Visitors cannot always rely on others to make sure the water and food are safe. Do you agree, or do you think travelers should expect the hotels and caters to take care of proper sanitation? Thankfully all of people infected with Cholera recognized that they needed medical care and went to the hospital where they were successfully treated with hydration and antibiotics. These people do not need to worry about the risks often associated with Cholera because they live in America, yet those who live in the Dominican Republic may not be so lucky.
The only thing I can really say about this article is wow! I can not believe that Cholera has found its way into Boston, that is kind of scary. Personaly if I was at such a fancy wedding in area like the Dominican Republic I would not expect the food to be made with contaminated water. Also if I was a member at that wedding and found out other guests who had gone to the wedding had Cholera I would go straight to the hospital to get checked out. To answer your question I would hope that hotels and caters would take the proper care in preparing the food that they were serving to people, but like you said you cant always relay on them to do that. Overall I thought you did a good jpb on this blog post Abby, Good Job.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your choice of article. It is especially interesting because it relates well to what we studied in class and it directly relates to where we live. Cholera is expected in poor countries in areas of very poor sanitation, but certainly not in city like Boston! Although it is only two cases and they were confirmed to have originated in the Dominican Republic, it is still scary that Cholera made its way to Boston. It is suprprising to me that the people got sick after attending a wedding at what seems like a very nice, high-end hotel. It just goes to show that you can never be to careful. When I traveled to Europe last summer, everyone in the group avoided drining anything but reliable, bottled water just to be safe. I wil definitely do that in the future if I travel becasue this article goes to show that the unexpected can happen if you are not careful.
ReplyDeleteI think travellers need to be aware of where the things they eat and drink are prepared. Carelessness can just lead to disease, like cholera, as happened in this case. I never really thought of cholera spreading to America. It's mostly found in less developed countries, but this article shows that no one can escape a cholera case. Even at a fancy wedding, Americans caught the disease. This article really shows how people need to be careful when they travel. Cholera being so close to home is something to be concerned about, but all those who did contract the disease are doing better, which is reassuring.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this article because it sort of went with the one I had posted earlier about people traveling with potential infectious diseases. It goes to show just how hard it is to stop those so-called people, and that no matter what disease can be spread due to so much international travel. I liked it because it was close to home and makes us realize just how easy it is for disease to come here, even though Boston is a very well-off city. As long as people are not careful with when they travel and taking the proper precautions they always should, disease will forever be easily spread.