My family and I are from Trinidad and Tobago, two sister islands approximately 8 miles off the coast of Venezuela. In Trinidad, Dengue Fever is very common, though the most recent outbreak was not declared an outbreak until August of 2010 when over 300 people had been diagnosed with dengue. This article is of interest to me mainly because over the past year since I last visited, there have been over 3000 reported cases of Dengue and yet the Ministry of Health has yet to properly deal with the situation despite this article.
Knowing what I know about how the Ministry of health works, I would say that the article is somewhat misleading. The Ministry has been down playing the serious of the disease since the start of the most recent spread. They waited nearly two months before declaring an outbreak, despite the numbers which had been steadily increasing since July of 2010. People were getting the disease without knowing it, and becoming seriously ill without really understanding that it was dengue.
I can also say that the Ministry overall ( this includes the Health sector) was very aware that the newer mosquitos had evolved and were resistant to strong and the rather harmful flit
(Trinidadian word for Bug spray) such as this one above. Trinidad is also in a massive breeding ground for the mosquitos that carry Dengue because of the Rain Season and the forever hot climate. Mosquitos thrive in wet areas, and since the Ministry of Public Safety seems oblivious to the never ending pot holes that are never filled in. This is especially unusual because Trinidad has what is called pitch lake...the very material we use to make roads.... These pot holes are almost always filled with rainwater and an abundance of mosquito eggs. Knowing that this is only aiding the spread of the disease and taking no action has led to a great anger with the already shaky Parliament. More recently our newest Prime Minister was sick with a mild case of Dengue Fever.
Really, I posted this particular article out of amusement because I know how disorganized Parliament (Trinidad's Government, also known as the Ministry) is, and this article makes it seem as though they clearly understood the dangers, AND were being proactive in their fight against Dengue, even though really, they're only really on trying now because children are becoming infected left and right. There aren't enough hospitals or space, and the medical help is poor, and or dealings with the public health and safety are poor, but Trinidad is certainly on top of things...right. Check out the article I refer to here.
Also if you're interested in our Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar. And lastly, an article written by a not ministry representative here.
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