Although Diabetes is not extremely common, there has been a significant rise in childhood diabetes over the last thirty years. The most common type of diabetes in children under 16 has always been type 1. But it seems that type 2 diabetes, which is more commonly found in middle aged and elderly people, is somehow getting "passed down" to the children. Doctor Francine Ratner Kaufman wrote, "Type 2 diabetes has been described as a new epidemic in the American pediatric population that has been coincident with the overall 33% increase in diabetes incidence and prevalence seen during the past decade." Although there are not a great deal of cases in the U.S., this type 2 diabetes in children is prevalent in parts of Africa and Asia.
How are our children getting this mature disease? Obesity. Within the last 30 years there has been a rise in all diabetes cases, due to the worlds love of fattening food and lack of sports. Although obesity may not always be the cause for diabetes it plays a major role in effecting your insulin resistance.
There may not be numerous cases of type 2 diabetes in America but type 1 is effecting children like a common cold. If the world does not shape up and start eating healthier we are bound to see another rise in the cases of children with diabetes.
It's weird to think that kids are getting type 2 diabetes so early on. It's becoming a genetic problem but, it's not an infectious disease. This disease is inpossible to spread by human contact but instead can be passed down from generation to generation. Preventative measures for diabetes is different than any other disease we have studied. It's simple prevention really: eating healthy and excercising.
ReplyDeleteDiabetes runs in my family so i have to be tested every year, but that didnt start till I was 10. Kids now are being diagnosed so young. I agree with Emily with saying that we need to be more active than ever before because there are so many bad foods out there that can lead to diabetes down the road. Kids dont go out and play anymore like when we were younger, they would much rather sit in the house and play video games. What happened to going outside and playing the same games you do on a video game?
ReplyDeleteI found this article interesting because I know a few young children with diabetes and diabetes also runs in my family. I think it is sad that young children are now getting type 2 diabetes because they are overweight, when obesity can be so easy to prevent. Parents need to stress the importance of being active and eating healthy so that children are not affected by these types of diseases. Instead of buying a new videogame for their child they should go out and purchase a soccer ball, or a goalie net that the kids can use outside.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this post I am really interested in why is there a greater number of cases in palces like Asia and Africa? I found this really interesting because the main cause is obesity, which is something that is often mentioned in describing the population here in the United States. I also know people who suffer from diabetes and it is scary to think that young children are now suffering. I understand how time consuming and intense care for your body is when you have diabetes, so I understand that a child growing up with diabetes has to grow up faster and has a huge responsibility. Luckily obesity is something that we can work on as a country to hopefully lower diabetes as well. Simple things such as opening community centers for kids to work out in and offering more gym time and devoting classroom time to proper nutrition at schools. This would need to start at a young age to truly be effective.
ReplyDeleteI know many people with diabetes but it is crazy to think that people are getting it so early on. I cant imagine having to see such a small child suffer this disease. I agree with Lindsey that it is wierd how a greater number of cases exsist in Asia and Africa yet obesity is normally thought of to be an American thing. Most people recognize the starving children and lack on food/water in Africa. It is wild to think that a disease caused bt obesity it happening more in Africa and Asia than it is in America. In the article it says that "type 1 diabetes is effecting children like the common cold." This is scary because while the common cold has symtoms and may limger on for some time. Diabetes is much more serious and definitly something to keep our key on.