Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Flu is Flying Early This Year

In an article titled “CDC says US flu season starts early, could be bad” written by Mike Stobbe of the Assiociate Press and available at warns of what we can expect this year. The Center for Disease Control has stated that flu activity in the U.S. has increased last two weeks indicate and the flu season is off to its earliest start in 10 years. Just in time for National Influenza Vaccination Week which is from December 2-8, 2012. The CDC urges everyone to get a flu vaccine if they have not done so already this season. Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated more than a third of people have been vaccinated and the vaccine is a good match for the strains of virus they are seeing.

The CDC has seen higher than normal cases is the south including Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. The rate hospitalization due to flu is increasing and there have been two deaths in children already reported. The article mentions “An uptick like this usually doesn’t happen until after Christmas” which is concerning and should really motivate people to get vaccinated.

The flu season of 2003-04 also started early and was the most lethal in 35 years. That year there were 48,000 flu related deaths and usually about 24,000 Americans die each flu season, according to the CDC. The good news is compared to 2003-04 this vaccine is matched better the strains of flu and there is more vaccine available and more people getting vaccinated.
The CDC updates the incidence of flu weekly by region. I think it’s interesting to be able to follow what’s going on all over the country. There is a lot of interesting reporting information. Here’s the link if you want to check it out

This article warns of a bad flu season this year and suggests everyone get vaccinated. Vaccines have been used for hundreds of years. They have had a major impact on public health and controlling epidemic disease. It is surprising to me that one third of American are vaccinated. Even though the flu is not deadly for everyone there are still a high number of deaths each year and a vaccine seems like simple act of prevention.

The flu vaccine is everywhere. Free clinics are held in most towns, at doctors offices and even at some workplaces. Also, every drug store provides the shot at the pharmacy for a small fee. It is easily available to anyone who wants it.

I thought this article provided great information and warned the public about the high incidence of flu already this year. It was surprising to read how many flu-related deaths there are each year because most of us just think it is a bad cold that goes away in a few days. These types of articles provide a great service to the public by reminding them of the dangers of flu and the importance of vaccination.



  1. There are a lot of relatable aspects to this. I had no idea there were that many deaths caused by the simple flu! I also wasn't aware that only 1/3 of Americans are vaccinated. There are very few risks to getting the vaccine, and as you stated it is readily available to anyone, so why wouldn't everyone get it? It may be because they think it's no big deal and they've had a strain of the flu before. I wonder if because the flu season started early this year that it will end sooner. It'll be interesting to wait and see.

  2. Since the school year started I have had the flu two different times!! Normally I get my checkup before the school year starts and get my flu shot, however, this year I have not had my flu shot done yet. I think I am a perfect example of what Billy's article is saying. Why risk getting the flu if just one vaccine can help you avoid it! I wish I had read this article earlier in the year! Like David, I found this article to be very concerning as Billy stated that the flu can cause death and only about 1/3 of Americans have been vaccinated, myself obviously not included. The first time I had the flu was in September so I believe the article when it says the flu season started early this year and find it even scarier that I was then able to get it a second time, just a month later. I wonder what would cause the flu to strike so early and why this year and not others? Strange how viruses work.

  3. I thought this article was very interesting and really helped warn people, including me about the dangers of the flu this season and how important it is to get vaccinated this winter. I wonder why the flu is starting up so early this season, the only thing I can guess it possibly because of the strange weather we have had over the past year. It is also very interesting that the abundance of cases in the south. Personally I thought that there would be more cases in colder climate areas like New England.
    It is very eye opening to see the amount of deaths that result from the flu. I knew the flu was serious, but after seeing that 24,000 people in America alone die every season from the flu it really showed me how important it is to get the flu shot every season.
    I think in the future, however, the amount of deaths from the flu will decrease. Medicine and vaccinations are advancing constantly. They are always becoming stronger and can fend on diseases quicker. Hopefully, in the next few years, there will be less deaths from the flu due to a stronger, even more effective vaccine.
    This article definitely was helpful in warning the public about the dangers of the flu, and showing how many people it truly does affect ever year.

  4. I found this article to be very interesting because it was about a topic that many of us are familiar with. It’s always this week, right before the holidays when everyone starts to get sick. I found it especially interesting when the article mentioned that the flu activity in the U.S. is off to its earliest start in 10 years. I definitely believe that statement. It seems as though you can’t take a couple steps in the hallway without seeing people coughing or sneezing away. I knew that the flu infected many people but I had no idea that during every flu season nearly 24,000 people die from it! I found that statistic to be shocking because before I read this article I always saw the flu as being a bad virus but I never would have imagined it could be that deadly. This article really opened my eyes to the importance of getting the flu shot. Why take the risk of being sick over the holidays when you can go to your local CVS or Walgreens to get a quick flu shot?


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