Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Recent outbreak of Meningitis at Princeton University

      Meningitis, is it serious? Recently meningitis broke out at Princeton University making the campus unsafe and unsanitary. Seven kids were found infected and more were to come. They ordered many vaccines which every faculty member, student, and professors were required to get. Meningitis can be spread many different ways but the most common ways you can get it is kissing and coughing. In this article I found called “Princeton University Meningitis infections prompt CDC to import emergency vaccines for use on campus” was a very informational article reinforcing what to do about the outbreak of this disease. A connection I have to this Meningitis outbreak is my sister’s friend goes to Princeton University.

1 comment:

  1. Logan, I think you did a nice job summing up what has happened at Princeton University since the initial Meningitis outbreak. Meningitis is definitely a scary and very serious disease and like I've mentioned in past comments I too have a connection to meningitis due to family friend who's child had it. I would be very interested to here about the scare at Princeton from someone first hand, like your sister's friend that goes there.


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